"Let the Master Reference You."

Greetings! This website comes to introduce you to a theme designed to serve as a daily reminder that we must Reference Jesus Christ in all that we do, so we are able to live the lives the Father, Jehovah God, created us for. “JesusCheck” has been created not to commercialize our Lord and Savior, but rather to highlight the tremendous value of having physical reminders to Reference Him in every aspect of our lives.

For Individuals, Youth Groups, Ministries, Schools & more, we offer t-shirts, caps, and other apparel+, that include the exclusive “JesusCheck” logo and tagline. All of our products are designed to be appealing to the eye, but more importantly reflect the goal of keeping Christ’s example and viewpoint first in our lives.

We invite you to look around and contact an associate to learn more.  Just click on the "Contact JesusCheck" tab or link above. 

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